Monday, November 30, 2009

Chinese Chicken Cooking Method

Chinese Cooking Method for Cooking Tender Chicken

I use this cooking method when a recipe calls for chunks of cooked chicken.  The chicken is always tender and flavorful.  I’ve never read or heard of this method anywhere else, so it is kind-a fun.  At our 20th high school reunion, we were asked the question, “What have you done that you never thought you would ever do?"  One woman answered, “touch raw chicken with my bare hands."

One whole 2 ½ to 3 pound chicken, cleaned with innards discarded


Whole chicken breasts

One whole onion, peeled and cut in quarters

  1. Fill a large kettle with water.
  2. Place the onion in the water.
  3. When the water boils, place whole chicken in the pot.
  4. When the water STOPS boiling, take the chicken out.
  5. Cover the pot.
  6. When water boils again, place the chicken back in the pot.
  7. Cover the pot and turn OFF the heat.
  8. Leave the chicken in the pot and keep on the burner.
  9. After 1 hour the chicken is cooked.
  10. When using chicken breast let sit for about ½ hour depending on their size.
  11. Remove and cool before taking meat off the bone.