Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Potatoes with Onion Wrapped in Bacon

 I love this recipe.  It's a great side dish.  Note to self...don't use colored toothpicks!  I did this once and it actually colored the potato.
one baking potato for each person
1 thick slice of onion for each person
1 T. butter per person 
1 slice thick bacon per person
salt & pepper
  1.  Cut a piece of foil for each potato.
  2. Peel potatoes.
  3. Cut in thirds longways almost through.
  4. Put each potato on foil and put on top of each the onion and T butter.
  5. Wrap a slice of bacon around the whole pile and secure with toothpicks.  Repeat for each potato.
  6. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and paprika.
  7. Seal up and cook about 1 hour, according to how big the potatoes are.
  8. Use the following chart for baking temperature.

Conventional or Regular Oven:
(about 5 ounces or 150 grams each)
45 minutes at 400 degrees F.
60 minutes at 350 degrees F.
90 minutes at 325 degrees F.