Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Onion-Bacon Cook Out Potatoes

I once made these for company and used colored toothpicks to hold the bacon in place.  What was I thinking?  When each guest opened their foil package the potatoes were stained red and green.  So don’t use colored toothpicks, OK?  This is also fun to serve because guests love their own individual foil package to unwrap. 

1 baking potato for each person
1 thick slice onion, pp (per person)
1 thick slice bacon, pp
salt & pepper
  1. Peel baking potatoes.
  2. Cut a piece of foil large enough to wrap around the potato.
  3. Place the potatoes on their piece of foil.
  4. Cut in thirds long ways almost through.
  5. Top each potato with 1 slice onion and 1 tablespoon butter.
  6. Wrap a slice of bacon around the whole pile and secure with a toothpick.
  7. Repeat for each potato.
  8. Sprinkle on salt, pepper, and paprika.
  9. Seal up and cook on the grill or a 350 degree oven for about 1 hour, depending on the size of the potato.
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