Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Swedish Rice Pudding

Rice pudding with cinnamon and sugarImage via Wikipedia

My grandparents were
born in Sweden.  They came to Chicago and were members of a Swedish Club.  This is the recipe for rice pudding from that South Side Swedish Club.   The whole almond is placed in the pudding and the Swedish tradition says that the one that gets the almond will be the next to marry. 

5 large eggs
3 ½ cups milk
1 ½ cups cooked rice
½ cup sugar
½ t. salt
One whole almond
Freshly grated nutmeg
  1. Beat eggs slightly.
  2. Add milk, sugar, salt and cooked rice.
  3. Pour in to a 2 quart glass casserole.
  4. Top with pats of butter and sprinkle with grated nutmeg..
  5. Place pan in another pan that has 1 inch of hot water in it.
  6. Bake at 350 degrees 1 ¼ hours or until set.

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