Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How to Cook a Wolf

  How to Cook a Wolf.   I got this e-mail from my niece Jennifer.  MKF Fisher was a fascinating woman.  Listen to the NPR Weekend America podcast.

Have you heard of the food writer M.F.K. Fisher? She wrote about food back in the 20's-40's and was influential on everybody from Julia Child to James Beard. She not only wrote about food and cooking in a technical way, but a cultural and philosophical way. During WWII she wrote a book that became famous called "How to Cook A Wolf". It was about how to make great meals with the limited food available during the war, but it was also about the history of cultures making due with what food was available, about cooking creativity, and about responsibility for sharing resources. There was a GREAT story about it on NPR - there is a link below to the Podcast.

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